Dennis founded Accountable Growth™, in 2008 after more than 25 years of contribution at the executive leadership level serving such firms as PwC, AonHewitt, Grant Thornton, RBC, Kafoury Armstrong, O’Sullivan Creel, KatzAbosch, GH&I, Mueller and Co., Clifton Gunderson, Collins Barrow, RAS and Associates and Strategic Benefits Advisors.
Through his cumulative and overlapping international experience, Dennis has amassed a proven and inspirational collection of resources, tools and guidance he shares with partners, principals, teams and team members.
Recognized as a leading provider of business development, leadership and strategic client risk management and mitigation services, the former MacGillivray & Associates is known today as Accountable Growth, Inc.
Expert Coaching to Reach Your Highest Goals
Dennis MacGillivray knows first-hand the role valuable coaching plays in the achievement of a goal. For many years, he had his eye on a prize: to reach the summit of the Canadian Rockies’ Mt. McGillivray before reaching the age of 50. Inadequate preparation for two previous failed attempts resulted in painful endings. His desired timing was running out. Dennis enlisted an expert coach; he trained and prepared for six weeks, surmounting his physical challenges with detail-oriented techniques that resulted in a victorious ascent and pain-free descent – a triumph which occurred one day before his 50th birthday. Expert coaching made the crucial difference.